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How to communicate with confidence

Korzyści dla uczestników szkolenia

Minimum entry requirement

  • B1 level as verified by a short test provided
  • enthusiasm to learn

Welcome students from the accounting department, where everybody counts!

You want to communicate through English in a smooth and comfortable fashion, but you encounter an obstacle - it is not your native language. Our online course will break this barrier and will let you enjoy everyday business interactions because:

  • You will be instructed by ACCA qualified professionals with extensive accounting and training experience 
  • You will get a lot of coaching to boost your confidence by working on your strengths and identifying areas for improvement 
  • You will have lots of fun through a variety of learning techniques and challenging activities

The course includes 4 independent though complementary Modules, each:

  • consisting of eight 45-minute lessons, 
  • using engaging quizzes, role-plays, screencasts such as onscreen tutorials, video lessons, and slideshare presentations
  • improving your reading, writing, and speaking skills in the corporate environment 


1.Reading Comprehension - Understanding and analyzing professional accounting texts

“Creativity is great - but not in accounting”

Learning Objectives

  • expand professional vocabulary
  • make use of grammar in the business context
  • review accounting documents and discuss their content
  • get an in-depth understanding of a sample of accounting regulations
  • analyze and interpret financial data

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module you will be able to:

  • handle accounting documents
  • apply accounting knowledge in practice
  • discuss financial results
  • become a legitimate creative learner and user, if only in the linguistics department

2. Listening Comprehension and Speaking - Making sense of business conversations

“An accountant - someone who solves a problem you didn't know you had in a way you don’t understand”

Learning Objectives

  • demonstrate an understanding of corporate speak
  • apply workplace jargon in various scenarios: telephone conversations with management, colleagues or clients, face-to-face or online conferences, informal office meetings
  • improve confidence in expressing yourself verbally: making inquiries, discussing issues, communicating problems and suggesting solutions

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module you will be able to:

  • promote your ideas across your team and other divisions
  • delegate burdensome tasks onto others
  • negotiate longer holidays, higher salary and better credit terms

3. Writing Skills - Preparation of financial reports, work-related emails, memos, and job appraisals

“What do you call an accountant without a spreadsheet? Lost.”

Learning Objectives

  • describe major accounting procedures
  • explain different accounting policies and standards
  • prepare internal correspondence
  • communicate with external stakeholders
  • evaluate performance of work partners

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module you will be able to:

  • describe numbers in words
  • create sentences that make up paragraphs that make up stories

4. Presentation Skills - Getting your message across

“Life is like accounting, everything must be balanced.”

Learning Objectives

  • demonstrate a strong command of spoken industry-specific language
  • communicate ideas in a meaningful and engaging way
  • create two short performances: a talk and a slide presentation, such as a project proposal, a demonstration of new accounting policy or investors briefing
  • critique peer presentations

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module you will be able to:

  • speak in front of an audience without a pounding heart and trembling hands
  • balance the excitement with stage fright, jokes with knowledge, visual with verbal, interesting with boring (that is “matter-of-fact”)
  • learn to deliver a memorable speech


Zgłoszenia przyjmowane są wyłącznie w formie elektronicznej.

Prosimy o zwrócenie szczególnej uwagi na wpisywane do formularza dane - są to dane, na które zostanie wystawiona Państwu faktura.

Każdy moduł szkolenia trwa 8h lekcyjnych. Cały kurs to 32h.

Zajęcia 2 x w tygodniu po 2 godziny. 

Płatność za szkolenie będzie dokonywana na podstawie faktury VAT, zgodnie z terminem płatności na fakturze. Faktura VAT zostanie wystawiona w dniu szkolenia lub w ostatnim dniu szkolenia w przypadku szkoleń wielodniowych i przesłana elektronicznie na adres wskazany w formularzu zgłoszenia.

Szkolenie będzie realizowane w formule wirtualnej. Dlatego ważne jest, by mieli Państwo stabilne łącze internetowe. Link do szkolenia otrzymają Państwo na dzień przed jego terminem.

W cenie szkolenia
  • Czas trwania
    16 dni / 32h (wykłady)
  • Materiały szkoleniowe
    w formie elektronicznej
  • Język
    szkolenie w języku angielskim
  • Certyfikat / zaświadczenie
    o ukończeniu szkolenia

Potrzebujesz pomocy? Masz pytania do szkolenia?

Katarzyna Szymczyk

Katarzyna Szymczyk
Koordynatorka ds. rozwoju i sprzedaży usług szkoleniowych
tel. 570 094 969

Skontaktuj się ze mną